Love love love this recording! And the piece over all. Books are, indeed, powerful.

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I'm a bit behind on catching up with my Bunking Off - but I glad I didn't skip a single installment.

This one might be your best so far - a wonderful roller coaster from a wanker joke to a very real and serious story from your past which I'm sure remains a very present part of who you are today.

I still find myself, when given what I see as a fairly menial task, lamenting out loud what a waste it is when I have "... a brain the size of a planet... " and the Douglas Adams fans always give themselves away when they hear it.

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I'm pleased you enjoyed it, Andy. I don't know how much what happened over 40 years ago remains part of me. Sometimes the best thing about the past is that it's in the past. One of the secrets about life rarely revealed is that we get to choose which memories to give importance to and which to leave where they belong. This week I received a prize I won as part of a Towel Day contest run by device42.com - a huge bath towel with the words DON'T PANIC printed on it in friendly letters. Still terrific advice.

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What a fantastic win - I now have mild towel envy!

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